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Lettrly™ enables you to easily create business letters. Word processing and PDF editors are too expensive and often lacks the right mechanism to type content with your own letterhead. Lettrly™ allows you to use your own letterhead or create/design new one and then also apply your scanned signature. Then go on to create as many as you reqiuire - your business letters. Sneak peak - https://www.yo
Target Audience
Our potential customers are solo entrepreneurs, small and medium business.
How do people solve this problem now?
We have spoken to as many as 20 peoples across many industries. Lawyers, accountants, office managers from Educational int, marketing agencies - they all struggle with creating and maintaining the business letters using Microsoft Word or PDF Editors. Google Sheet doesn't work well with custom letterheads. Hence we step in to solve this day to day problem.
What’s happening here?
Experienced geeks will create 1 Startup MVP for FREE.
In 2 weeks you could have the initial version of your startup and full code ownership, saving yourself $10,000
in development costs.
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